Monday, April 6, 2020

Here's to the Watchdog

The value of Free Expression cannot be understated; our right to free speech is a right that enriches our lives, as well as ensures our freedom and democracy. In studying the eight values of free expression, I found that the check on governmental power—considered the Watchdog Role—is arguably one of the most important values. The Watchdog Role means that “freedom of the press enables citizens to learn about the abuses of power—and then do something about the abuse at the ballot box.” ( Essentially, the press’s freedom of expression guarantees that when the government messes up, we know about it; once we know about, we can do something about it. 
In comparison to the other values, I find this one to be the most important because of what it promotes: the idea that no one is above the law, not even the government. We have put laws in place to ensure that power is not abused, and those laws also allow us to openly monitor the government to make sure they never overextend. Essentially, the other values of free speech don’t matter if no one is watching the government to make sure that power is not being abused. 
The checks-and-balance system is one of the most integral parts of our democracy; our country was founded on the ideas of limited government— that the people had a right to elect representatives and officials that represented our interests, and that there was a limit on the amount of power that any one individual or any one institution has. That can only happen if the government has been specifically restricted on powers that are granted unto them, and if we as a nation and as a press are making sure that the people we elect into office are honest people. 
Of course, it’s worth mentioning that in the modern era, we must be diligent in guarding ourselves against “fake news.” A phrase made popular in the beginning of Trump’s administration, fake news implies that media outlets publish or report false information, or very biased information that frames the opposing party in a negative light. While it’s freedom of speech that enables news outlets to critique the government, that also can lead to an unfair portrayal of either party. Here’s a video on what Fake News is and how to spot it.  Ultimately, it is up to us, the average citizens, to make sure that our government is not abusing their powers and the press is not abusing theirs, either.

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