Thursday, February 20, 2020

How Many Voices Are Never Heard? an entire website devoted to defending Libertarianism, and I've never heard a word from it. While, yes, it's easy to attribute the lack of coverage to the far larger budgets and exposure that other news sites have, I believe that the reporting on is shut down because of the extreme opposing views. is proudly libertarian, which is a political view not often featured on sites such as CNN or Fox; typically, what’s considered conservative and liberal is defined by the stories and agendas of major news sites. Antiwar messages aren’t beneficial to either cause, and so the stories are shut out. 

On the other hand, the site is proof that free speech enables people to come together to push a message forward under any specific agenda. The articles on provide details of America’s involvement in the middle east that frame the war as an unconstitutional occupation. Whether this is true or not ultimately becomes a matter of opinion when the entire world can report on whatever they want. provides freedom of opinion and speech to an entire portion of our population who isn’t represented in mainstream news cycles, even if it is a little nutty. 

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