Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Using Our Freedom of (Oscar) Speech: Celebrity Advocacy on the Oscar Stage

Oscar Sunday – synonymous with Hollywood’s elite, the film industry’s biggest night…or perhaps with #Oscarsowhite, or Times Up? Whatever you associate the Oscars with, there’s no question that every year, it’s a night of glamour and controversy, and it’s best when the two are served up together. This year, the Oscars celebrated an inclusive win—Parasite, a South Korean film, took home Best Picture, the first international film to do so in the nearly-100-year-long-history of the Academy. But what seems to be drawing the most attention is Best Actor Winner Joaquin Phoenix’s acceptance speech
            Phoenix won for his role in Todd Phillips’ Joker, the origin story of the infamous Gotham villain. Phoenix, who has been sweeping the awards season this spring, typically does a speech marked by humor and gratitude, instead Phoenix used his time to give voice to “the voiceless.” Phoenix is a vegan, and outspoken supporter of animal rights. He used his speech to address animal cruelty, associating it with gender inequality, racism, queer rights, and indigenous rights. In response, farmers were outraged. 
            Instead of getting into Phoenix’s cultural politics, instead I want to address the notion of activist-driven award speeches. I know plenty of people who gather round to debrief award shows, and every year I hear the same phrase about any celebrity that spoke out: “They’re up there to accept an award. They should stick to what they’re good at, and not get political.” I fundamentally disagree. I believe that it can be annoying to watch a three-hour award show and get bombarded with political messages; however, I don’t think that celebrities are abusing their power. People have an absolute right to expression, and that doesn’t change, whether you’re an actor or a businessman, whether you have access to millions on live television, or you’re making YouTube videos that three people watch. Just because our celebrities are entertainers doesn’t mean they don’t have minds, or that they don’t have beliefs that they feel passionately about. If someone wants to start a conversation, let’s have a conversation. The only way to move forward is to speak up and speak out. 

For more information on this, check out this article

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